It’s been 9 months since I posted last. Today I’m sharing a much needed life update with some fun and exciting news!

Dear friends, I can’t believe that I haven’t published a blog post for 9 months. I love writing for this blog. It’s a hobby that I cherish very much, an outlet for my creativity, and a lovely way to connect with you. Still, even though I tried writing a few times, it didn’t feel right. The enthusiasm for what I wrote lacked.
I suppose when you’ve not written for a while, it feels odd to ‘come back’ writing about a random subject. Like a carrot cake recipe that I’ve been meaning to share for example. While at the same time, a much needed life update feels impossible. How to update you on 9 months’ worth of life?!
But tonight I suddenly had this clarity. I realised that I need to write a life update first before writing about the lovely daily things that keep me busy. While it will be impossible to share e-ve-ry-thing that has happened in the past months. I’ll share a few things that I find most relevant and fun.
We’ve moved from our lovely Edwardian end of terrace. We loved the house. Space-wise it would’ve worked for us a little longer (I’ll tell you why later). However, practically it wasn’t working for us anymore.
For the past years my husband has been training for the ministry. At the beginning of this year he started his new job, or calling, as the assistant pastor of a church in Cardiff. The church where we met and got married actually!
Because of that, it started to get increasingly difficult to live on such a distance. Since he was travelling much more now.
A few months ago the church kindly offered that we could live in the manse. A house which our church owns with the aim to provide the minister with a home. It has been such a wonderful provision and it has made our lives so much easier.

Seth loves the parks nearby and has become a big fan of gathering little ‘treasures’ on our walks. Which often results in me having to carry them for him. I’m thinking of buying him a little basket that he could carry around and put the treasures in!

One of my favourite areas of our new home is Seth’s play area. Seth enjoys exploring the toys and books on display there. It tends to get pretty messy by the end of the day! I intend to add some shelves to house some craft supplies and a little bookcase which would function as a mini library. Other than that it’s pretty much done!
Lately we’ve started to prepare our old home, which we still own, to rent out. This has been challenging since we’ve been busy and can’t take Seth along for most of the work that needs doing. Oh and don’t forget the legal requirements that need to be adhered to before you can rent a property out.
We are slowly and steadily getting there though. We trust the process and keep praying that we will find reliable tenants to live there.
Despite the many positive qualities of our new home and its location. I do have to admit, friend, that I’ve shed a few tears when going back to our old home. It’s where we brought Seth home from the hospital and where he experienced many of his ‘firsts’.
But God is extremely kind. We’re already building new memories in our new home and we will, provided that everything keeps going well, experience more ‘firsts’ in this home because…
The reason why I said that our previous home would only work a little longer space-wise is… we’re expecting another little one. It’s due in February!

We’re so grateful for this blessing and we can’t wait to meet him or her. We are so excited for Seth to have a little brother or sister. We continue to pray that both the baby and I will stay healthy and well. It’s something we don’t take for granted.
Saying that though, pregnancy has definitely been harder on me this time! The tiredness and nausea have been no joke. Both are now decreasing but my appetite is not back to normal yet and most days I have a little snooze when Seth naps.
Thusfar, I’ve managed to avoid getting gestational diabetes again. We’ll see if that stays the same. Please pray for me because I’d love to be able to give birth in the midwife led unit this time.
We’ll be finding out the sex in three weeks and we won’t keep it a secret. With Seth we didn’t found out his sex until his birth but this time we both desired knowing.
It will be so much fun to start planning and to get an idea of what the family dynamics might be like with the two siblings.
A few weeks after we moved we went on our summer holiday. Which felt like the worst possible timing but we planned this holiday before we knew the date of our move.
We decided to go to France again (last year was our first time there together) and had a lovely time despite my pregnancy sickness being at its worst.

The first week we stayed near Vire-Normandie. We revisited Honfleur which is one of my favourite places in France thusfar. I cannot recommend it enough.

After that, we spent two weeks near Jonzac.

One our way back home we visited an aquarium in Rochelle which Seth found so exciting. We were in there for a good while and after Seth slept for a few hours in the car.