Seth had his beary first birthday and so much else has happened since I posted my last life update. Read on for snippets of our life.

It has been a good while since I posted my last life update. September 2022 to be exact. Wow.
Back then, Seth was only teeny tiny and I thought I was going to be able to post monthly recaps from then on. That didn’t quite happen!
This past year has been different than I expected in so. many. ways. I am going to talk a little bit about my post natal journey. So, if you are pregnant or are IN that post natal period, this could be triggering for you.
I did not mention anything in my previous life update because I, looking back, was still in denial back then. The truth is that Seth’s birth and my post natal journey did not go as hoped.

There are many ways giving birth can go and I was trying to set myself up for a positive birth experience. I was taking certain elements from hypnobirthing that I found helpful to prepare for the big day and I was working on changing my negative associations with giving birth.
Unfortunately my birth experience was a challenging one. Next to a difficult birth, my ‘baby blues’ lasted much longer than it usually lasts, and I struggled with breastfeeding for nearly 6 months.
I was sad (which the hormones enlargened), disappointed, discouraged, and lost my self confidence.
When it was time to go back to work in March, Nathan and I decided that I wasn’t ready for it yet which has been a HUGE blessing. It allows me to spend more time with Seth (and Nathan), to be a homemaker, and to continue healing.
Through it all, praise God, Seth has been a healthy, happy, and sweet little boy. In the beginning he was developing in little and slow steps but lately he has been developing so quickly. I want to press the pause button sometimes!
In July we were able to spend a few weeks in France. Nathan used to go to France with his family every summer.
He told me these wonderful stories about picking up fresh baguettes from the bakery in the mornings, visiting vide greniers (carboot sales) and brocantes, and exploring medieval towns.
We were both very keen to experience a holiday like that together. And in our fifth year of marriage we managed to do it at last!
We spend some time with Nathans parents and sister with her family in the French Ardennes on our way down. They were renting a lovely farmhouse with an indoor pool in the countryside.

After, we headed towards our Airbnb near Poitiers. On the way down we stayed in a beautiful old inn. Our air conditioning suddenly started leaking bucket loads of water so they upgraded us to a bigger room which was a lovely surprise. The inn had a walled garden in the inner court and I couldn’t help having a little nose around there.

Nathan booked the Airbnb for us and I allowed myself to be surprised. It was amazing and we hope to go back there again. We spent most of our days walking, visiting vide greniers and brocantes, reading, and exploring places.

We took a quick family selfie before we had to leave the Airbnb and on our way back home we spent a day in Honfleur.
I had never heard of Honfleur but it is absolutely stunning. There are so many medieval buildings including an impressive wooden church. We spent the day strolling around the cobbled streets and visited the beach and park. I would definitely go back there again.


It was my 32nd birthday last August and I was CRAVING banoffee pie. I used BBC Good Food’s recipe. It’s very easy, delicious, and it has never failed me.

It was Seth’s first birthday at the end of August.
My sister in law is a great baker, so we asked if she would be willing to make Seth’s birthday cake. We call Seth our little bear cub so we asked if she would be able to make a bear themed cake. This adorable cake was the result. It was a regular sponge cake with chocolate frosting inside and on top. We (and especially Seth) very much enjoyed eating it!
We didn’t do anything special on Seth’s birthday but the day after Nathan’s family was able to come over. We had a stroll and play in the park and finished it off with pizza and cake. It was very low key but exactly the way we like it.

A while ago I picked up a free sideboard that I thought would fit perfectly in our kitchen. It functions as a kitchen island and I’m so happy with it. I still have to give it a proper clean and do it up but for now it gives us extra counter and storage space. I love having a designated space for whatever cooking book I’m using that day and any harvested fruit or bought fruit and vegetables that don’t go in the fridge.
Our garden hasn’t been doing too well this year. Our carrots, parsnips, strawberries, and pickling cucumbers never grew! Other things either grew very slow or caught pests.
Our yellow neckargold French beans, however, did really well and we enjoyed foraging for blackberries this year. I’ve put the blackberries in the freezer and will make my blackberry jam recipe when I have a chance.

I have been the worst wife for not promoting Nathan’s first novel anywhere online. It’s called Whaling and it published last May. I’m so proud of him and I read the book in one day!
People have been super kind and supportive and Nathan has been able to promote the book in some lovely events. One of them being in Hay festival which was a fun and fascinating experience! If you like fictional historical books, make sure to have a look at it HERE.

In case you missed it, I published a simple and hearty chicken soup recipe a few months ago. It’s the perfect recipe for when it’s cold outside or if you have a sniffly nose! The salmon and and avocado salad has been one of my favourite meals lately! I might share it sometime soon.