
My First Q&A: 1 Minute and 20 Questions

Header image. First Q&A by a Hopeful Home.

Today I am doing something very different. I have filmed my very first Q&A video in which I answer as many questions as possible in just 1 minute. I manage to answer more than I expected!

Hi friends!

Last week I asked my Instagram friends if they had any questions for me to use in a Q&A and the result was… zero questions. Yes you read that right, zero. Of course my initial reaction was: o wow this is awkward. Should I pretend like I DID receive some questions? Because I haven’t seen anyone on Instagram ever admit that they didn’t get any questions. Or should I just pretend that nothing happened? In the Netherlands we have a saying: ‘wat niet weet, wat niet deert’. Which is quite similar to ‘what you don’t know can’t hurt you’ I suppose!

But you know what? After thinking it over, I realised that I didn’t want to go down that road. Fake it until you make it? NA, I’d rather be real and honest with you. If there’s anything that we very well know (I even discussed this 2 years ago in my Social Media Comparison and Its Effect on Mental Health-post) it’s that people on social media tend to show you just the more glamorous and successful side of their lives.

Usually you don’t see the failures, the bad days, and the hard work and passing of time that it takes before any success or results are visible. And despite being aware of that, it’s still so easy to get caught up in the social media comparison trap.

The truth is… I understand why there were zero questions. Most of you are only just getting to know me. And me asking whether my Instagram friends knew ANY questions for a Q&A is quite a broad thing to ask. It’s like asking a person to pick a colour rather than to pick their favourite paint colour to use for kitchen cabinets . So the lesson has been noted and learnt!

So what I did instead, was to get creative. And I decided to ask my husband to come up with 20 questions. Because with a 1 minute Q&A what’s the fun in knowing all the questions ahead of time?!

I thought a Q&A would be a super fun way to show a bit more of me. Jenna. The person behind A Hopeful Home. Other people on Instagram often make selfies and I … well I have to admit… I am not a great selfie taker. I am even bad with getting my photo taken by someone else. You’re bound to see some funny or non-serious faces when that happens! I don’t know how those other women on Instagram manage to get their photo’s so glamorous. I take my hat off to them!

Without further ado, here you have it. My Q&A video!

As you can see, I have created a Youtube channel for A Hopeful Home. I am not a 100% sure yet what I’ll be doing with it but let’s just say that certain things are a lot easier to show in a video than to explain in a blog post. So if you want to get notified when there are new videos on there, make sure to subscribe šŸ™‚

Also a little note on the side: I actually DO like gherkins! I said no because I used to hate them for aaages but now they have actually started to grow on me. Especially in salads or quinoa/brown rice lunches. It’s funny how that ‘no!’-reaction is still embedded in me!

Much love,
