The past months has changed most of your lives, and so has ours. I’m sad to say that this is my very last update from the Wybrnant valley. (Read my very first update from the Wybrnant valley here.)
My dear mother in law took this picture on our very first day in the Wybrnant valley. We were tired, stressed, and had no idea what was going to come next. But we were also very excited and knew that we were heading into a new adventure. It amazes me that this picture is already 1,5 years old and that our time in the Wybrnant valley has now come to an end…
In the past months, I have been very quiet about our situation. I didn’t share any details about it because there was nothing to say (yet). On top of that, the circumstances of our jobs demanded of us to stay quiet. The truth is: the Coronavirus affected our workplaces in a negative way. And a few months ago our bosses informed us that we were both at risk of losing our jobs. We were aware that if Nathan lost his job, we would lose our home as well since it comes with the job.
In my last blog post, I talked about growing in faith during a season of waiting. It’s something that has been so extremely relevant to us. Not knowing whether we would still have an income and a house while having a lot of time on our hands? Not a great combination! We really had to lean on and trust in God. After a few months of waiting, clarity was given. Nathan was going to be made redundant. When we heard it, it was both a relief and a shock. Relief because we finally knew what to expect. And shock because we didn’t expect that it would actually happen!
But God has been good to us. Nathan has found a new job and we are blessed to be able to live with Nathan’s parents until we get a house of our own.

This picture was taken a few days before our move down South. We were again tired, stressed, and had no idea what’s next. But would I say that we are back to square one? Most definitely not!
Our time in the Wybrnant valley has been very precious to us. Living there gave me and Nathan the opportunity to strengthen and deepen our relationship (very important as newlyweds!). We also gained more clarity about what we aim for, future wise. I developed a deeper love for gardening and with it for the nature around us. It’s something that I wish to keep alive, no matter where we end up living next! Last but not least, we have met so many lovely people. I can honestly say that there was never a dull day in the Wybrnant valley.
Now that we have moved, I hope to be more present again in this little square on the internet. So stay tuned!
Much love,