Monthly recap #1 | September 2022 | Our parents met Seth, the walls in the nursery were painted, and I explored some local walks.

This is the first blog post that I’m writing since our sweet little Seth was born. He is currently ten weeks old and we are only just coming out of that odd newborn daze. For me, with Seth, it felt like sleep, feed, burp and repeat for a good while. But it’s getting easier and (dare I say it) more fun now!
I think it’s needless to say that I don’t have a lot of free time at the moment but… I miss blogging and I don’t want to completely fall off the face of the earth. So, I thought this period would be the ideal time to try something new that I’ve been thinking about for a while.
And that is a monthly recap blog post. I thought it would be the ideal format for me to share what I’ve been up to. And to share some pictures that I’ve taken in a relaxed and personal way.
I am aware that I am posting this a bit late. It took forever to finish this blog post but despite being late, I still wanted to post it!

September was a month filled with grandparent cuddles. Nathan’s parents live a 45 minute drive from us so they were able to see Seth the day after we came home from the hospital. But my parents (and step parents) live in the Netherlands so it was a bit more of a journey for them.
We were so happy that my mum, dad, and step mum were able to come over quite soon and see Seth this young. My step dad unfortunately wasn’t able to come over until a few days ago. But I am so glad that they now all have had a chance to see and hold him.
Do you know that saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? We have definitely noticed the very truth of that already! The practical, emotional, and spiritual support that we have received has been amazing.
The meals that were made for us. The advice that we were able to ask for during worried or desperate late night phone calls. Those moments in which they (family members or friends) would take care of Seth so that I could nap or shower. The cleaning and tidying of the house while I was once again tied to the couch breastfeeding Seth. The emotional support when I was struggling in the first weeks.
I am immensely grateful for all the love we felt and support we were given.

The garden has slowly been winding down. I can’t believe that the harvesting season is already coming to an end! During September we harvested a lot of our potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and cherry tomatoes. They did very well. Some of our potatoes had scabs on them but they were still edible. We gave up on the chard, kale, and melons. They didn’t work out this year.
It will soon be time to prepare the garden for winter. The last vegetables will need to be pulled out. Some of the plants and bushes will have to be trimmed (I still need to research which ones). The gardening tools require some love. And we’d love to plant garlic this autumn.

We spent a lot of time cuddling Seth and enjoying our time with him. He is such a snugglebear.

Shortly before Seth was born, the walls in the nursery were finally plastered. Since they were plastered so close before Seth’s birth we didn’t have time to paint the walls ourselves. When my dad and step mum came by, they wanted to help us by painting the walls.
I love the colour Nathan and I decided to go for and it’s so exciting to see the room coming together! I will make sure to post a blog post about the nursery (with paint colours etcetera) once it’s finished.

I have loved going for walks with Seth (and often Nathan). In the beginning I found it hard physically but my strength is slowly coming back. Since we don’t have many ‘picturesque’ walking routes in this area I have noticed that I prefer to have a specific destination when I go for walks on my own. So I’ll often walk to the shop, library, or GP surgery when I have an appointment.

Seth is still very portable these days and sleeps ok in public places. So we try to make the most of that by visiting family and friends. It’s been really precious to see Seth and Susie (our little niece who was due on the same date as Seth, read more about that here) grow up alongside each other.
I am a big fan of the Caboo Lite carrier that my sister in law Esther gave me. It makes going to public places so much easier and it helps when I need to do house chores but want to keep Seth close.
I hope you enjoyed this monthly update. I soon hope to upload one for October as well if this crazy new lifestyle with the little one allows me!