Are you in search of a natural and eco friendly laundry detergent? A better alternative to the liquid detergents, pods, or tablets that supermarkets offer? I have used the Ecozone …
DIY Natural Face Scrub with Oats, Honey, and Yoghurt
This simple DIY natural face scrub leaves your skin soft and nourished. The 3 ingredients are likely already in your kitchen! Did you know that you are meant to scrub …
Non-Toxic Brass Cleaner – 3 Recipes to Make at Home
3 ways to make a non-toxic brass cleaner at home – Could your brass items do with some love and tender care? But would you like to find a homemade …
The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning
Even on the days I ate healthily and a balanced amount, my belly would feel bloated and restless. It was frustrating and it didn’t feel right. Something had to change. …
UK Giveaway January: You Can Do It
What has 2021 been like for you thus far? Has it been the fresh start you were hoping for? Or are the lockdown and the never-ending Covid-news getting you down? …
5 Benefits of Buying Second-Hand Clothes
But… someone else has worn those clothes before. I’ll never be able to find something nice in this charity shop. I would look so old-fashioned. Are these thoughts that have …
My Top 3 Non-Toxic Personal Care Products of 2020
If I had to pick one word to describe my 2020, then it would be natural. Throughout the year, I’ve focused on different aspects of my life and how I …